Tag Archives: Cannot uninstall numpy

Python3 Error: Cannot uninstall ‘numpy’. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurate

Error Messages.
Cannot uninstall 'numpy'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.
An error is reported while installing TensorFlow.

# pip3 list --format=columns
Package                Version
---------------------- -------
asn1crypto             0.24.0 
cffi                   1.11.5 
cryptography           2.3.1  
idna                   2.7    
mysql-connector-python 8.0.12 
numpy                  1.10.4 
pip                    18.1   
protobuf               3.6.1  
pycparser              2.19   
pymongo                3.7.1  
PyMySQL                0.9.2  
redis                  2.10.6 
setuptools             39.0.1 
six                    1.11.0 
wheel                  0.32.1 

# pip3 uninstall numpy==1.10.4
Cannot uninstall 'numpy'. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.
[root@node1 ~]# 
Forced Upgrades.
[root@node1 ~]# pip install numpy --ignore-installed numpy
Continued Installation.
# pip3 install tensorflow==1.11.0 

# pip3 list --format=columns                
Package                Version
---------------------- -------
absl-py                0.5.0  
asn1crypto             0.24.0 
astor                  0.7.1  
cffi                   1.11.5 
cryptography           2.3.1  
gast                   0.2.0  
grpcio                 1.16.0 
h5py                   2.8.0  
idna                   2.7    
Keras-Applications     1.0.6  
Keras-Preprocessing    1.0.5  
Markdown               3.0.1  
mysql-connector-python 8.0.12 
numpy                  1.15.2 
pip                    18.1   
protobuf               3.6.1  
pycparser              2.19   
pymongo                3.7.1  
PyMySQL                0.9.2  
redis                  2.10.6 
setuptools             39.0.1 
six                    1.11.0 
tensorboard            1.11.0 
tensorflow             1.11.0 
termcolor              1.1.0  
Werkzeug               0.14.1 
wheel                  0.32.1