Tag Archives: Arcgis warm

ArcGIS SOE unable to add extension FAQ

Problem description 1:

In the development process, when I wrote the SOE extension file, I found that adding SOE extension failed. The following errors occurred:

Causes of bugs

First of all, I use ArcGIS version 10.2, which can’t be extended by Google browser and 360

This bug is caused by the incompatibility of Dojo upload plug-ins.

Bug resolution

Use IE browser to upload SOE file:


There’s a new bug

ArcGIS SOE add extension error “unsupported service type ‘null’

Failed to register extensions in ‘ RestSOETest.soe . unsupported service type ‘null’, as shown in the figure below:



I’ve been looking for the reason for a long time: type of serverobjectextension (choose between MapServer and imageserver)


Then use IE browser to add: after adding successfully, as shown in the figure