Tag Archives: Appium common error reports

Appium Top 10 Common Error [How to Solve]

(1) Appium service is not started

[error message] urllib.error.urlerror: & lt; Urlopen error [winerror 10061] unable to connect because the target computer actively refused.

[solution] after clicking the start appium button, the [appium] welcome to appium v1.7.2 prompt appears, and then run the script

(2) Session conflict

Error: failed to start an appium session, err was: error: requested a new session but one was in progress

[solution] restart the appium service, start the appium service, check the allow session override option in the advanced interface, restart the appium test, and add driver. Quit() in afterclass at the end of the test

(3) Device not connected

[error message] selenium. Common. Exceptions. Webdriverexception: Message: an unknown server side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: could not find a connected Android device

[solution] ADB ensure that the device is connected

(4) Java not installed or version problem

[error message] selenium.common.exceptions.webdriverexception: Message: a new session could not be created. (original error: ‘Java – version’ failed. Error: command failed: C: \ windows \ system32 \ cmd.exe/S/C “Java – version”“

[solution] check Java environment variables

(5) The launchable activity value is written incorrectly

[error message] activity used to start app doesn’t exist or cannot be launched! Make sure it exists and is a launching activity

[solution]  correct the misspelling of launch activity.

(6) System permission problem

[error message] failure [install_failed_user_restricted])

[solution] 1. USB installation management permission limit. Just close it. 2. Turn on the option to allow unknown source app installation

(7) Appium service exception

[error message] an unknown server side error occurred while processing the command “while opening the app

[solution] restart appium service

(8) JRE environmental issues

[error message] are you sure you have installed JDK/JRE?

[solution] check whether there is JRE in the same level directory of JDK, and check the environment variable configuration of JDK

(9) Android SDK environment

[error message] no such file or directory “E: \ android_sdk”

[solution] check the environment variable configuration of Android SDK, especially android_home

(10) Uiautomator error

[error message] uiautomator version is too low/high

[solution] add “automationname”: “uiautomator2” to the capability configuration information