Tag Archives: Angular notes

[Solved] Angular12 ng build Error: Index html generation failed.

When using angular12 (version 12.0.3) to develop a project, the debugging will run normally, but an error message will appear when calling ng build to publish.

Tip: index HTML generation failed undefined:6:720366 missing ‘}’

Or: index HTML generation failed Undefined: 6:720366 missing ‘:’ etc.

The solution is to modify the angular.json configuration file, Add an optimization node under the build -> configurations ->production node:

            "optimization": {
                "scripts": true,
                "fonts": {
                  "inline": true
                "styles": {
                  "minify": true,
                  "inlineCritical": false

The complete node path is:

                        "production": {
                            "optimization": {
                                "scripts": true,
                                "fonts": {
                                  "inline": true
                                "styles": {
                                  "minify": true,
                                  "inlineCritical": false