system: ubuntu14.04
computer in the program, after dinner came back to find that the computer crashed, stay in the login interface, basically unable to move the mouse.
do not want to restart, otherwise to reprocess the program, too much trouble, baidu do not restart under the way into the system.
also press CTRL + Alt +F1 to enter the tty interface, enter the top command, view those processes with large memory footprint, and find those unimportant processes that can be closed. The first column is the process number PID. After determining the process to be killed, type
sudo kill pid
to close the process. After reducing the memory footprint, you can basically enter the system without accident.
after entering the system, I found the network icon in the upper right corner of my system, but it was an empty fan. This was the first time I encountered such a situation, that is, I plugged in the network cable, but the computer neither showed wired nor wireless, so there should be something wrong with the network module. Want to restart the computer should be able to solve, but still do not want to restart based on that reason just now, do not have, that continues to do, hence again Baidu. Baidu to several methods, this time for my situation is useless, first record here, other encountered this problem may be useful. Of course, my problem was solved in the end.
The first method that
looks up. Sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
start: Job is already running: networking
indicate that the network service is running, but can’t normally closed
then baidu, instructed to check the error log information
sudo tail -f/var/log/upstart/networking. The log
Stopping or restarting the networking job is not supported.
Use ifdown & ifup to reconfigure desired interface.
Stopping or restarting the networking job is not supported.
Use ifdown & ifup to reconfigure desired interface.
Stopping or restarting the networking job is not supported.
Use ifdown & ifup to reconfigure desired interface.
Stopping or restarting the networking job is not supported.
Use ifdown & ifup to reconfigure desired interface.
according to the log, continue:
sudo ifdown eth0 & & ifup eth0
fails again:
ifdown: interface eth0 not configured
Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.
then tried the first command with a lucky heart, but again it failed:
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
Various commands tried during
ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 up
finally come to think of it, finishing before an ubuntu system under some of the problems of notes, found after watching, try the following command:
sudo NetworkManager restart
doesn’t solve the problem, but the hint is useful to me:
NetworkManager is running (pid 1082)
since there is a problem shutting down the network service normally, why don’t I just kill the process and start the network service?So, keep trying:
sudo kill 1082
sudo NetworkManager restart
now prompt:
NetworkManager is running (pid 30417)
can see that the process number has changed, indicating that the network service restart was successful.
then found that the network fault has been lifted, you can access the Internet normally ~~~
hope to solve your problems.
above, welcome to exchange.
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