1. Reason
This error occurs because the image format is incomplete or the image format stored in the interface conflicts with the internal encoding.
2. Solve
Convert it to png and then call Tesseract
I packaged a tool
// Convert the image to png format public static String convertPng(String url) { String tarFilePath = url.substring( 0 , url.lastIndexOf( " . " )) + " .png " ; try { BufferedImage bufferedImage = ImageIO.read( new File(url)); BufferedImage newBufferedImage = new BufferedImage(bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); newBufferedImage.createGraphics().drawImage(bufferedImage, 0 , 0 , Color.white, null ); ImageIO.write(newBufferedImage, " png " , new File(tarFilePath)); } catch (IOException e) { return "" ; } return tarFilePath; }
You cannot directly change the suffix, you need to use ImageIO to convert it, remember
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