An error is reported when running unet3 + for multi classification training
RuntimeError: 1only batches of spatial targets supported (non-empty 3D tensors) but got targets of size xxx
1. Modify
2. Modify
3. Modify
Then run the following statement to start the training:
[experiment record] u-net (pytorch)
An error is reported when running unet3 + for multi classification training
RuntimeError: 1only batches of spatial targets supported (non-empty 3D tensors) but got targets of size xxx
After many times of reference, trial and error, the following solutions are obtained:
Unet3 + source code has a small bug for multi classification tasks, which is slightly modified here. (unet3 + code comes from githubgithub – avbuffer/unet3plus_pth: unet3 +/UNET + +/UNET, used in deep automatic portal matching in Python)
1. Modify
# line 56
if net.n_classes > 1:
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
# line 79
loss = criterion(masks_pred, torch.squeeze(true_masks))
# line 153
net = UNet(n_channels=3, n_classes=3)
The reason for using the torch. Squeeze() function is that when crossentropy is used as the loss function, the output of output = net (input) should be [batchsize, n_class, height, weight], while the label is [batchsize, height, weight], and the label is a single channel gray map; Both bceloss and cross-entropy loss are used for classification problems. Bceloss is a special case of cross-entropy loss, which is only used for binary classification problems, and cross-entropy loss can be used for binary classification or multi-classification.
NN. Crossentropyloss() function to calculate cross entropy loss example:
# output is the output of the network, size=[batch_size, class]
# If the batch size of the network is 128 and the data is divided into 10 classes, then size=[128, 10]
# target is the real label of the data, which is scalar, size=[batch_size]
# If the batch size of the network is 128, then size=[128]
2. Modify
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(gpu_id)
if unet_type == 'v2':
net = UNet2Plus(n_channels=3, n_classes=1)
elif unet_type == 'v3':
# line93
net = UNet3Plus(n_channels=3, n_classes=20)
#net = UNet3Plus_DeepSup(n_channels=3, n_classes=1)
#net = UNet3Plus_DeepSup_CGM(n_channels=3, n_classes=1)
net = UNet(n_channels=3, n_classes=1)
3. Modify
for true_mask, pred in zip(true_masks, mask_pred):
pred = (pred > 0.5).float()
if net.n_classes > 1:
# line26
tot += F.cross_entropy(pred.unsqueeze(dim=0), true_mask).item()
# tot += F.cross_entropy(pred.unsqueeze(dim=0), true_mask.unsqueeze(dim=0)).item()
tot += dice_coeff(pred, true_mask.squeeze(dim=1)).item()
Then run the following statement to start the training:
python -g 0 -u v3 -e 400 -b 2 -l 0.1 -s 0.5 -v 15.0
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