[Solved] MybatisPlusException: Error: Method queryTotal execution error of sql

Cause: com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.exceptions.MybatisPlusException: Error: Method queryTotal execution error of sql :

Error reason:
the user-defined SQL is written in mapper, where is added too much, and the user-defined SQL is transferred into querywrapper, where cannot be added
error code:

String customSql="select * from ("+queryAll+") as q where ${ew.customSqlSegment}";
    IPage<BranchBasic> baseQuery(Page<Object> objectPage, @Param(Constants.WRAPPER)QueryWrapper queryWrapper);

Correct code:
as both case and upper case are OK

String customSql="select * from ("+queryAll+") as q ${ew.customSqlSegment}";
    IPage<BranchBasic> baseQuery(Page<Object> objectPage, @Param(Constants.WRAPPER)QueryWrapper queryWrapper);

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