1. Error Messages:
Clearing build system data... Executing pre-compile tasks... Loading Ant configuration... Running Ant tasks... Cleaning output directories... Running 'before' tasks Checking sources Finished, saving caches... gradle-resources-test:Groovy_Demo.main: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/util/ReaderInputStream Executing post-compile tasks... Loading Ant configuration... Running Ant tasks... Synchronizing output directories... 2022/1/10 11:08 - Build completed with 1 error and 0 warnings in 1 sec, 657 ms
2. Solution
Right-click the project root directory, select the “Open Module Settings” option,
Delete the main and test options in Modules,
Then select the menu bar “Build / Rebuild Project” option to recompile the project;
The project compiles through ;
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