An error was reported when using git to create a new branch, as follows:
fatal: unable to access ‘ learn/‘: OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to github. com:443
git config --global --add remote.origin.proxy ""
Read More:
- Github Clone Failed SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to
- [Solved] Git Error: OpenSSL SSL_read: Connection was reset, errno 10054和Failed to connect to port 443
- Nginx Error: SSL: error:140AB18F:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate:ee key too small
- Nginx Error: nginx: [emerg] the “ssl“ parameter requires ngx_http_ssl_module in /project/api/nginx.conf:
- [Solved] svn: OPTIONS of ‘https://xxx/svn/xxx’: SSL handshake failed: SSL error: Key usage violation in certificate has been detected.
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- [How to Solve] Apache cannot be restarted with Windows Server + Open SSL
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- SSH Connect Service Error: Could not connect to ‘‘ (port 22): Connection failed.
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