[Solved] celery Startup Error: kombu.exceptions.VersionMismatch: Redis transport requires redis-py versions 3.2.0 or later. You have 2.10.6

Error when starting celery:

kombu.exceptions.VersionMismatch: Redis transport requires redis-py versions 3.2.0 or later. You have 2.10.6

The reason is that my redis version is too low and incompatible with kombu. But I won’t touch my redis
uninstall the current celery, download the 4.1.0 version of celery (kombu will be updated during installation), and then start it again. An error is reported:

pip install Celery==4.1.0
KeyError: 'async'

The problem is that version 4.1.0 of celery is incompatible with python3.6.9, so replace it with version 4.1.1 of celery

pip install Celery==4.1.0

Start celery again:

celery -A celery_task.main worker -l info



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