Error creating bean with name ‘redistemplate’ defined in class path resource

I set up a set of projects, using springboot version 2.3.0. When I started, I repeatedly reported errors, so I started a long journey of error finding. At first, I thought it was because the framework was not well configured. Finally, I found that it was the problem of redis.

Error one . redis.connection.RedisConnectionFactory ’ that could not be found

Error two

Error creating bean with name ‘redisTemplate’ defined in class path resource


I report an error because I didn’t introduce the jedis dependency. Another reason is that the Maven dependent versions of jedis and spring boot starter data redis are incompatible, which is a common problem. The same is true when the jedisconnectionfactory cannot be created.


Just introduce the jedis dependency to solve the problem

   <!--redis cache-->
   <!--spring boot2.x The above version needs to be introduced, otherwise the startup will report an error!-->

Launch again

perfect solution~

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