Errors are reported as follows:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Ambiguous mapping. Cannot map ‘com.offcn.seckill.feign.SeckillGoodsFeignn’ method
com.offcn.seckill.feign.SeckillGoodsFeignn#findPage(SeckillGoods, int, Int)
to {post/seckillgoods/search/{page}/{size}}: there is already ‘seckillgoodscontroller’ bean method
reason mark>: there are two or more requestmapping or getmapping with the same name
solution: mark>
1. Check whether there are the same requestmapping URLs in all other classes, If you modify different URLs, you can
2. In the remote calling interface using feign, the requestmapping on the interface is the same as the requestmapping URL of the called class. For problems, you can configure the requestmpping URL of the interface into the method of this interface, Remove the URL configuration of interface requestmapping
for example:
and replace it with the following:
if your problem is solved, please click praise and comment to support the blogger’s hard work mark>=
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