Error reporting details
When using mybatis plus multiple data sources, the startup message cannot find the master data source
com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.exception.CannotFindDataSourceException: dynamic-datasource can not find primary datasource
at com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.DynamicRoutingDataSource.determinePrimaryDataSource( ~[dynamic-datasource-spring-boot-starter-3.5.1.jar:3.5.1]
at com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.DynamicRoutingDataSource.getDataSource( ~[dynamic-datasource-spring-boot-starter-3.5.1.jar:3.5.1]
at com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.DynamicRoutingDataSource.determineDataSource( ~[dynamic-datasource-spring-boot-starter-3.5.1.jar:3.5.1]
at com.baomidou.dynamic.datasource.ds.AbstractRoutingDataSource.getConnection( ~[dynamic-datasource-spring-boot-starter-3.5.1.jar:3.5.1]
① The dependency of multiple data sources is introduced, but multiple data sources are not used
<!--This is the dependent version I use-->
Multi data source usage: use @ds to switch data sources.
@DS can be annotated on methods or classes, and there is a proximity principle that annotations on methods take precedence over annotations on classes.
annotation | result |
no @DS | Default data source |
@DS(“databaseName”) | databaseName can be a group name or the name of a specific library |
② Multiple data sources are used but the main data source is not specified
spring: datasource: dynamic: primary: master # Set the default data source or data source group, the default value is master strict: false #Strictly match the datasource, default false. true does not match the specified datasource throw an exception, false uses the default datasource datasource: master: url: jdbc:mysql://xx.xx.xx.xx:3306/dynamic username: root password: 123456 driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver # This configuration can be omitted for SPI support since 3.2.0 slave_1: url: jdbc:mysql://xx.xx.xx.xx:3307/dynamic username: root password: 123456 driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc. slave_2: url: ENC(xxxxxx) # Built-in encryption, please check the detailed documentation for use username: ENC(xxxxxxxxxx) password: ENC(xxxxxxxxxx) driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc. #...... omit #The above will configure a default library master, a group slave with two sub-banks slave_1,slave_2
③ Check carefully if there is any alignment in the configuration
# Correct format spring: datasource: dynamic: strict: false primary: one datasource: one: driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo?allowMultiQueries=true&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai&useSSL=false username: root password: 123456 two: driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo1?allowMultiQueries=true&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=Asia/Shanghai&useSSL=false username: root password: 123456
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