import threading
from ctypes import *
class DeviceAttribute(Structure):
_fields_ = [("vendorId", c_uint16),
("productId", c_uint16),
("deviceAddress", c_uint32),
("serialNumber", c_char * 64),
("uri", c_char * 255)]
class Device(Structure):
deviceAttributeHandle = POINTER(DeviceAttribute)
deviceAttributeHandle_p = POINTER(deviceAttributeHandle)
dll = CDLL("./Nectaf.dll")
a = dll.Initialize()
if a!=0:
print("init ok")
deviceCount = c_int(0)
GetDeviceList = dll.GetDeviceList
GetDeviceList.argtypes = [deviceAttributeHandle_p,POINTER(c_int)]
GetDeviceList.restype = c_int
# pDeviceAttr = POINTER(POINTER(DeviceAttribute))
# dll.GetDeviceList(deviceAttributeHandle_p,byref(deviceCount))
deviceAttribute = deviceAttributeHandle()
# ret = getDeviceList(byref(self.deviceAttribute), byref(nCount))
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