LeNet is trained with MNIST’s training set, and the code is not shown here.
directly loads the saved model
lenet = torch.load('resourses/trained_model/LeNet_trained.pkl')
Attached to the test code
# Define conversion operations
# Read in the test image and transfer it to the model.
test_images = Image.open('resourses/LeNet_test/0.png')
img_to_tensor = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize([0.5], [0.5])])
input_images = img_to_tensor(test_images).unsqueeze(0)
# Move models and data to cuda for computation if cuda is available
USE_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()
input_images = input_images.cuda()
lenet = lenet.cuda()
output_data = lenet(input_images)
# Print test information
test_labels = torch.max(output_data, 1)[1].data.cpu().numpy().squeeze(0)
At present, there is no correct rate according to my own picture, and I can’t find any reason. At present, the frequency of output 8 is very high.
later looked up relevant information, for the following reasons: </mark b>
- parsed MNIST data set, you will find that the pictures in the data set are white words on a black background, such as:
- , but our custom test pictures are generally black words on a white background, such as:
- , so I took the custom test pictures by pixel and then re-tested
- pixel reverse code is as follows:
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
image = Image.open('resourses/LeNet_test/0.png')
image_invert = ImageOps.invert(image)
After pixel reversal, the accuracy rate of the test reaches 50-60 percent, but the accuracy rate is still not ideal. Please refer to the following reasons
- MNIST data set contains the handwriting of foreigners. The handwriting style and habits of foreigners are slightly different from those of Chinese people, which is also a major factor affecting the accuracy of the test. But the owner of the building has not tested the correct rate of the image test after modifying the font.
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