Tag Archives: Xmind Install Error

How to Solve Xmind Install Error in Ubuntu System

1. Download the zip package from the official website.

2. After decompression, enter the directory to execute the script:

sudo sh setup.sh

If the following error is encountered, the corresponding dependency package is missing and cannot be found by the current system:

E: Package 'libwebkitgtk-1.0-0' has no installation candidate


sudo getdit /etc/apt/sources.list  # Open the list of mirror sources

deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic main universe  # Add the following image source to the file

sudo apt-get update  # update

sudo sh setup.sh  # re-execute

3. Run

Enter the XMind_amd64 directory and execute the script “./xmind” to run successfully