Tag Archives: whitelabel error page

[Solved] Nginx cannot access pictures on FTP Error: Whitelabel error page

1. Unable to access the picture


As can be seen from the above figure, whether the full path home/ftpuser/image access or/image access is used, the image access fails.

Let’s solve this problem

2. Configure nginx image access path

# Go to the conf directory of nginx, and find nginx.conf

# Edit profile
vi nginx.conf

# nginx.conf Add Configuration
location /image {
	alias /home/ftpuser/image;
	autoindex on;

3. Restart nginx

./nginx -s reload

4. Picture access succeeded

[Solved] Springboot loads static page Error: whitelabel error page

Loading the local static page card has been in this place for a long time. I tried all kinds of methods. Finally, I found the one suitable for me. Finally, I loaded it. Record it. If you encounter this situation, you can try it.

1. Add in the following place/

2. This place uses @controller

If you have this problem, you can try it. If you can’t change another method, it’s mainly the problem of configuration. Small places may lead to failure