1. Problem description
Error in starting mitmproxy script
PS D:\D1\code\AutoTest\python_interface_autotest\PythonInterfaceAutoTest> cd .\chapter7\mitmproxy\
PS D:\D1\code\AutoTest\python_interface_autotest\PythonInterfaceAutoTest\chapter7\mitmproxy> mitmweb -s .\get_data.py
Error starting proxy server: OSError(10013, 'Made an attempt to access the socket in a way that access rights are not allowed.', None, 10013, None)
PS D:\D1\code\AutoTest\python_interface_autotest\PythonInterfaceAutoTest\chapter7\mitmproxy> mitmweb -s .\get_data.py
Error starting proxy server: OSError(10013, 'Made an attempt to access the socket in a way that access rights are not allowed.', None, 10013, None)
2. Problem solving
1. Specify the port number to resolve the port conflict
PS D:\D1\code\AutoTest\python_interface_autotest\PythonInterfaceAutoTest\chapter7\mitmproxy> mitmweb -s .\get_data.py -p 8083
Web server listening at
Loading script .\get_data.py
Proxy server listening at http://*:8083
2. Query the process corresponding to the default startup port number 8080 and close it