Tag Archives: server timed out errror

Gog cannot link PSN: the connection to the server timed out

Trying to pick up Wizard 3 on the GOG Galaxy, only to find that the connection to PSN keeps coming up after endless clicks to verify the image
“The Connection to The server Timed out.”
1. Turn off the running GOG Galaxy.
2. Log in to PSN with the browser (if logged in, log out, log in again).
3. After login, click on the link: https://ca.account.sony.com/api/v1/ssocookie (this link is to look at SONY’s cookies, don’t be afraid to trust point).
You will see


XXX is the value of nPSSO, copy it down (without quotes).
4. Open my computer and type in the address bar:


Open the “psn_xxxxxxxx_xxx…” Folders (unique folders). Find plugin.py and open it with any text editor.
5. Find line 64 and you will see:

stored_npsso = stored_credentials.get("npsso") if stored_credentials else None

Delete all of the equals sign and copy the nPSSO value into it. Be careful to switch to the English input method and include the value in double quotation marks.

stored_npsso = "Your npsso Key"

Save the change (CTRL + S) and close the file.
6. Restart GOG Galaxy and connect to PSN again.