First, set up the remote connection of Mongo server:
vim /usr/local/mongodb/etc/mongodb.conf
Note out:
bindIp: # Listen to local interface only, comment to listen on all interfaces.
The binding IP is by default. Only local connections are allowed
bind_ip =
Restart Mongo remote connection:
service mongod restart
Robo3T reports error connecting to remote MongoDB: Failed to refresh ‘Collections’. Error: ListCollections failed:
Possible version issue.
Robo 3T 1.4 -> MongoDB 4.2
Robo 3T 1.3 -> MongoDB 4.0
Robo 3T 1.1 -> MongoDB 3.4
Robo 3T 0.9 -> MongoDB 3.2
Robo 3T 0.8.x -> MongoDB 2.4.0
Download the corresponding version.