Tag Archives: OGG

[Solved] ERROR OGG-01028 Detect partial pdata at rba xxxxxx without coinciding crash recovery marker record

ERROR OGG-01028 Detect partial pdata at rba xxxxxx without coinciding crash recovery marker record

Ogg version:

Fault description:

The Ogg extraction process was abended because the database instance was automatically restarted in the early morning

Ogg process down view the $GGATE_HOME/ggserr.log. The errors are as follows:

ERROR OGG-01028 Detect partial pdata at rba xxxxxx without coinciding crash recovery marker record in log with seqno = xxxxxx

The contents of log error reports are as follows:
error ogg-01028 detects partial pdata at RBA XXXXXX, which does not coincide with the crash recovery mark record in the log with seqno = XXXXXX

Cause of failure:

When the classic extraction fails in the log writing process, there is incomplete extraction, which will lead to the downtime of the extraction process


1. Try to restart the extraction process, which will be started, generally without any problems, and will continue to process the logs

2. If restarting the extraction process fails, add the following parameters to the extraction process to skip incomplete log data and restart the extraction process

tranlogoptions _skipincompletelogdata