error reason
Most of the job objects created by jnienv are local variables, which can no longer be used after they are out of function scope
So be sure to turn these variables into global variables, pass them to external pointers or references, and release them when they are used up
correct code
//char Arrays to jstring
void toString(const char *charArray, jstring &string) {
JNIEnv *env = nullptr;
bool detached = JNI::jvm->GetEnv((void **) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_6) == JNI_EDETACHED;
if (detached) JNI::jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, nullptr);
jstring localString = env->NewStringUTF(charArray);
string = (jstring) env->NewGlobalRef(localString);
if (detached) JNI::jvm->DetachCurrentThread();
//Calling Methods
jstring string = nullptr;
toString(charArray, string);
env->CallVoidMethod(interface, onErrorMethod, code, string);
string = nullptr;