Error Messages:
create server oradb foreign data wrapper oracle_fdw options (dbserver '//'); create user mapping for USER server oradb options (user 'scott', password 'scott'); GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER oracle_fdw TO CURRENT_USER; GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER oradb TO CURRENT_USER; create foreign table haha ( id int) SERVER oradb OPTIONS (schema 'scott', table 'haha [lightdb@hs-10-20-30-199 ~]$ ltsql -p 5435 -U scott -d scott ltsql (13.3-22.2) Type "help" for help. scott@scott=# select * from haha; ERROR: error connecting to Oracle: OCIEnvCreate failed to create environment handle DETAIL: scott@scott=# scott@scott=# scott@scott=# scott@scott=# scott@scott=# scott@scott=# scott@scott=# select * from haha; ERROR: error connecting to Oracle: OCIEnvCreate failed to create environment handle DETAIL:
Install the oracle light client. The oracle client can be downloaded from .
export ORACLE_HOME=/home/lightdb/instantclient_21_6
export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
Restart lightdb, the problem is solved.