Tag Archives: How to Share Your Screen

Vue: How to Share Your Screen

Document: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaDevices/getDisplayMedia

Method: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Screen_Capture_API/Using_Screen_Capture

Example Codes:

Plain text
Copy to clipboard
Open code in new window
EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
  <video ref="video" autoplay="true" style="width: 500px; height: 300px"></video>
  <canvas ref="canvas" style="display: none"></canvas>
<script lang="ts" setup>
 import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'
const canvas = ref()
const video = ref()
const timer = ref()
 onMounted(async () => {
let stream = null
try {
stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({
video: true,
audio: true
video.value.srcObject = stream
const ctx = canvas.value.getContext('2d')
// devicePixelRatio returns the ratio of the physical pixel resolution of the current display device to the CSS pixel resolution, allowing for better reproduction of realistic video scenes
const ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1
ctx.scale(ratio, ratio)
// The canvas size remains the same as the image size, and the screenshot is not redundant
canvas.value.width = video.value.offsetWidth * ratio
canvas.value.height = video.value.offsetHeight * ratio
timer.value = setInterval(() = > {
ctx.drawImage(video.value, 0, 0, canvas.value.width, canvas.value.height)
const imgUrl = canvas.value.toDataURL('image/jpeg')
console.log('imgUrl: ', imgUrl)
}, 5000)
} catch (e) {
// Monitor to manually turn off screen sharing
const videoTrack = video.value.srcObject.getVideoTracks()[0]
videoTrack.addEventListener('ended', handleStop)
const dumpOptionsInfo = () = > {
const videoTrack = video.value.srcObject.getVideoTracks()[0]
console.info('Track settings:')
console.info(JSON.stringify(videoTrack.getSettings(), null, 2))
console.info('Track constraints:')
console.info(JSON.stringify(videoTrack.getConstraints(), null, 2))
const handleStop = () = > {
let tracks = video.value.srcObject.getTracks()
tracks.forEach((track: {
stop: () = > any
}) = > track.stop())
video.value.srcObject = null
<template>   <video ref="video" autoplay="true" style="width: 500px; height: 300px"></video>   <canvas ref="canvas" style="display: none"></canvas> </template> <script lang="ts" setup>  import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue' const canvas = ref() const video = ref() const timer = ref()  onMounted(async () => { let stream = null try { stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({ video: true, audio: true }) video.value.srcObject = stream dumpOptionsInfo() const ctx = canvas.value.getContext('2d') // devicePixelRatio returns the ratio of the physical pixel resolution of the current display device to the CSS pixel resolution, allowing for better reproduction of realistic video scenes const ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1 ctx.scale(ratio, ratio) // The canvas size remains the same as the image size, and the screenshot is not redundant canvas.value.width = video.value.offsetWidth * ratio canvas.value.height = video.value.offsetHeight * ratio timer.value = setInterval(() = > { ctx.drawImage(video.value, 0, 0, canvas.value.width, canvas.value.height) const imgUrl = canvas.value.toDataURL('image/jpeg') console.log('imgUrl: ', imgUrl) }, 5000) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } // Monitor to manually turn off screen sharing const videoTrack = video.value.srcObject.getVideoTracks()[0] videoTrack.addEventListener('ended', handleStop) }) const dumpOptionsInfo = () = > { const videoTrack = video.value.srcObject.getVideoTracks()[0] console.info('Track settings:') console.info(JSON.stringify(videoTrack.getSettings(), null, 2)) console.info('Track constraints:') console.info(JSON.stringify(videoTrack.getConstraints(), null, 2)) } const handleStop = () = > { clearInterval(timer.value) let tracks = video.value.srcObject.getTracks() tracks.forEach((track: { stop: () = > any }) = > track.stop()) video.value.srcObject = null }

  <video ref="video" autoplay="true" style="width: 500px; height: 300px"></video>
  <canvas ref="canvas" style="display: none"></canvas>


<script lang="ts" setup>

 import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue'

  const canvas = ref()
  const video = ref()
  const timer = ref()

 onMounted(async () => {
let stream = null
try {
    stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({
        video: true,
        audio: true
    video.value.srcObject = stream
    const ctx = canvas.value.getContext('2d')
    // devicePixelRatio returns the ratio of the physical pixel resolution of the current display device to the CSS pixel resolution, allowing for better reproduction of realistic video scenes
    const ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1
    ctx.scale(ratio, ratio)
    // The canvas size remains the same as the image size, and the screenshot is not redundant
    canvas.value.width = video.value.offsetWidth * ratio
    canvas.value.height = video.value.offsetHeight * ratio
    timer.value = setInterval(() = > {
        ctx.drawImage(video.value, 0, 0, canvas.value.width, canvas.value.height)
        const imgUrl = canvas.value.toDataURL('image/jpeg')
        console.log('imgUrl: ', imgUrl)
    }, 5000)
} catch (e) {
// Monitor to manually turn off screen sharing
const videoTrack = video.value.srcObject.getVideoTracks()[0]
videoTrack.addEventListener('ended', handleStop)

const dumpOptionsInfo = () = > {
    const videoTrack = video.value.srcObject.getVideoTracks()[0]
    console.info('Track settings:')
    console.info(JSON.stringify(videoTrack.getSettings(), null, 2))
    console.info('Track constraints:')
    console.info(JSON.stringify(videoTrack.getConstraints(), null, 2))
const handleStop = () = > {
    let tracks = video.value.srcObject.getTracks()
    tracks.forEach((track: {
        stop: () = > any
    }) = > track.stop())
    video.value.srcObject = null