Error due to FreeSWITCH using ODBC requirements
If you are using mysql, make sure you are using MYODBC 3.51.18 or higher and enable FLAG_MULTI_STATEMENTS
If you are using mysql, make sure you are using MYODBC 3.51.18 or higher and enable FLAG_MULTI_STATEMENTS
# vim /etc/odbc.ini
Driver = MySQL
SERVER = localhost
PORT = 3306
DATABASE = myDatabase
OPTION = 67108864
Note: option = 67108864 Start SQL batch, freeswitch ODBC mode must be on
ODBC does not configure SQL preprocessing, resulting in an error when executing multiple SQL statements at the same time
Download and install ODBC driver from MySQL website
Note that the version option of 8x is invalid after setting,
Solution demotion
Verification supports preprocessing methods, which are not described here for ODBC configuration
isql -v freeswitch
delete from sip_ registrations where sub_ host is null and hostname=’VM-0-13-ubuntu’ and network_ ip like ‘%’ and network_ port like ‘%’ and sip_ u