[error reporting]
SQL> backup database backupset 'dm3bak01';
backup database backupset 'dm3bak01';
[-7169]:bakres failed to communicate with DMAP message.
Used time: 00:00:10.033. execution number:0.
[log content]
2022-04-27 09:08:01 [CMD] database P0000048762 PPID4294967295 backup database backupset 'dm3bak01';
2022-04-27 09:08:01 [CMD] database P0000048762 PPID4294967295 BACKUP DATABASE [dm03]
2022-04-27 09:08:01 [INFO] database P0000048762 PPID4294967295 CMD START....
2022-04-27 09:08:01 [INFO] database P0000048762 PPID4294967295 BACKUP DATABASE [dm03],execute......
2022-04-27 09:08:01 [INFO] database P0000048762 PPID4294967295 check limits of huge data
2022-04-27 09:08:01 [INFO] database P0000048762 PPID4294967295 CMD CHECK LSN ......
2022-04-27 09:08:01 [INFO] database P0000048762 PPID4294967295 adjust checkpoint lsn to maximal apply lsn 0
2022-04-27 09:08:11 [INFO] database P0000048762 PPID4294967295 connect to dmap with portnum[4236], tsk_num: [4], code: [-7169].
2022-04-27 09:08:11 [WARNING] database P0000048762 PPID4294967295 CMD END.CODE:[-7169], DESC:[bakres fails to communicate with DMAP messages], COST:[00:00:10]
[reason for error reporting]
because dmapservice is not started or there is a problem with dmapservice
[problem handling]
[pwd:/u01/dm8/dmdbms/bin]$ ./DmAPService start
DmAPService (pid 101899) is running. # I find it is started
[pwd:/u01/dm8/dmdbms/bin]$ ./DmAPService restart # try to restart
Stopping DmAPService: [ OK ]
Starting DmAPService: [ OK ]
[pwd:/u01/dm8/dmdbms/bin]$ !disql
SQL> backup database backupset 'dm3bak01'; # backup successfully
The operation has been executed
Time used: 00:00:03.660. Execution number: 55700.