CentOS comes with 3.7.17 Django, which is not supported. It must be above 3.9.0. If you want to use SQLite3 as a database, there is no way to upgrade it. If it is me, I will not use SQLite3, but use mysql
The upgrade is simple:
1. Download the latest package of SQLite3
wget https://www.sqlite.org/2021/sqlite-autoconf-3350500.tar.gz
2. Compile and install
tar xf https://www.sqlite.org/2021/sqlite-autoconf-3350500.tar.gz
cd sqlite-autoconf-3350500
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ && make && make install
3. Change the original SQLite3 command
First check which directory SQLite3 has executable files in
(python36) [root@george servermonitor]# whereis sqlite3
sqlite3: /usr/bin/sqlite3 /usr/local/bin/sqlite3 /usr/include/sqlite3.h /usr/share/man/man1/sqlite3.1.gz (python36) [root@george servermonitor]#
It is found that/usr/bin/SQLite3 is old, 3.7.17. If you are not sure, just execute it
/usr/bin/sqlite3 –verssion
Then replace the old version
mv /usr/bin/sqlite3 /usr/bin/sqlite3_3.7.17
ln -s /usr/local/bin/sqlite3 /usr/bin/sqlite3
4. Change the library path
Many small partners went to the above and tested it. They found that the same error was still reported when executing Python manage.py runserver 8080. The reason is that Django read the old library, and you can verify it yourself
(python36) [root@george servermonitor]# python
Python 3.6.8 (default, Nov 16 2020, 16:55:22) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623
(Red Hat 4.8.5-44)] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sqlite3
> >>> sqlite3.sqlite_version
> '3.7.17'
>>> .exit
Modifying library variables
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib/"
(python36) [root@george servermonitor]# python Python 3.6.8
(default, Nov 16 2020, 16:55:22) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sqlite3
> >>> sqlite3.sqlite_version
>>> exit()
Execution returned to normal
(python36) [root@george servermonitor]# python manage.py runserver 8080
Django version 3.2.4, using settings 'servermonitor.settings' Starting development server at Quit the server with CONTROL-C.