Tag Archives: Chinese Unicode encoding

The range of Chinese Unicode encoding and the calculation of the number of Chinese and English words in text

Unicode encoding range of Chinese characters

Unicode encoding range
u4e00 ~ u9fff

U + 4e00 ~ U + 9fa5 is the most commonly used range, that is, the block named CJK unified ideographs. The characters between U + 9fa6 ~ U + 9fff are still empty codes, which have not been defined yet, but there is no guarantee that they will not be defined in the future

def is_zh(char):

    :param char:  Single character
    if u'\u4e00' <= char <= u'\u9fff':
        return True
    return False

Statistics of Chinese and English words

In word document, Review – > count the number of words can calculate the number of words, Chinese words, non Chinese words and so on, now use Python to achieve
example: Hello, world 4

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re

def strQ2B(ustring):
	# Full to half angle string
    rstring = ""
    for uchar in ustring:
        inside_code = ord(uchar)
        if inside_code == 12288: # convert full-corner spaces directly
            inside_code = 32
        elif (inside_code >= 65281 and inside_code <= 65374): # Full-angle characters (except spaces) are converted according to the relationship
            inside_code -= 65248
        rstring += chr(inside_code)
    return rstring

def querySimpleProcess(ss):
	# query preprocessing, excluding characters other than Chinese and English numbers, all converted to lowercase
    s2=re.sub(r"(?![\u4e00-\u9fff]|[0-9a-zA-Z])."," ",s1) 
    s3=re.sub(r"\s+"," ",s2)
    return s3.strip().lower()

# Determine if it contains Chinese
def check_contain_chinese(check_str):
    for ch in check_str:
        if u'\u4e00' <= ch <= u'\u9fff':
            return True
    return False

# Determine if it contains English
def check_contain_english(check_str):
    for ch in check_str:
        if u'a' <= ch <= u'z' or u'A' <= ch <= u'Z':
            return True
    return False

# Delete letters from a string for character counting purposes
def delete_letters(ss):
    rs = re.sub(r"[a-zA-Z]+","",ss)
    return rs

# First space split, get the list, and then line processing each element in the list
###Example: Smart School Uniform Commercial=6, Disrespectful Breakup=2
### Exception: C Mile C Mile=3 ### Can't handle
# If the element does not contain Chinese, then the length of the element is recorded as: 1 + the number of digits
# If the element does not contain English, the length of the element is recorded as: the number of Chinese characters + the number of digits, you can directly use the len () method
# If the element contains both English and Chinese, the length of the element is recorded as: number of Chinese characters + number of digits + 1
def countCharacters(inputStr):
    tmpStr = querySimpleProcess(inputStr)
    str2list = tmpStr.strip().split(" ")
    if len(str2list) > 0:
        charsNum = 0  # Initialize character count
        for elem in str2list:
            chineseFlag = check_contain_chinese(elem)
            englishFlag = check_contain_english(elem)
            if englishFlag == False:  # no English
                charsNum = charsNum + len(elem)
            else:  # contain English
                elem = delete_letters(elem)
                charsNum = charsNum + 1 + len(elem)
        return charsNum
    return 0