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error: the number of points is less than required for feature
the amount of data is not small. According to the solution on the official website:
Failed to resolve.
This error led to the unsuccessful release of the map service. Finally, an article was searched, which is suspected of accuracy.
Here, my data type is line data, so I check the accuracy problem by calculating the length of line segments. Finally, I finally found this data:
select resid, St_length(st_transform(geom,4326)) from m_pip_le_1 where st_length(st_transform(geom,4326))< 0.0001
this data led to the following problem
finally, thank you for this article
link address: ~:text=Some%20of%20the%20shapes%20are%20considered%20valid%20in,required%20for%20feature%E2%80%9D%20when%20it%20renders%20such%20shapes.
Incidentally, record some common GIS functions
select resid, resname, (st_xmax (st_transform (geom, 4326)) – st_xmin (st_transform (geom, 4326))) as DX, (st_ymax (st_transform (geom, 4326)) – st_ymin (st_transform (geom, 4326))) as dy from_pip_le_one