The Lombok annotation is used here, and the get and set methods cannot be used during entity class compilation.
The build method is gradle
The following settings can be solved:
Read More:
- [Solved] IDEA Compile Lombok to Generate getter/setter Error
- [How to Solve] Idea prompt does not support Lombok
- [Solved] IDEA JPA Custome Query Error: Can‘t resolve symbol ‘Type‘
- IDEA Error: lombok.extern.slf4j is not exist [How to Solve]
- [Solved] IDEA2020 Error: Cannot resolve symbol ‘Servlet‘
- [Javac compilation exception] javac compilation prompts that the package in jdk cannot be found error: package does not exist and error: cannot find symbol
- Idea Error 404: The project ssmbuild is unavailable/the target resource cannot be found
- Lombok annotate @Data error [How to Solve]
- [Solved] IDEA error: not found
- [Solved] IDEA java Cannot resolve method ‘getName‘ in ***
- java: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class lombok.javac.apt.LombokProcessor (in unnamed module @0x590
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