Tag Archives: window

Several problems caused by device encryption

Description: ora-12541tns no monitor program + velvet software icon turns black

Problem Description:                 

         After Oracle is unloaded and reloaded, ora-12541tns no monitor program will not appear for the time being, and then the problem of restarting the computer appears again — the problem solved from the perspective of Oracle (this problem will appear again in a few days after it is solved through other operations — the above error occurs when opening PL/SQL developer software.)

         At the same time, the tinder software icon turns black or the tinder software installation pop-up cannot be installed in the encrypted directory (prompt: when the tinder is installed in other disks other than disk C.).

        At this point, the big probability is due to the problem of device encryption.


        Turn off device encryption settings.

Process (simple operation, just two steps)

1. Window + Q output “device encryption”( The window key icon is similar to the key of the window where the window is turned on. It is generally located near FN in the lower left corner.)

2. Select close( It will take some time)

         I was puzzled by this problem for a period of time. During this period, I solved it through online methods. I even uninstalled Oracle and then reloaded it. At that time, it was solved and there was no problem. However, the problem will still appear later, which is more annoying.

         Later, I found out the problem. The problem is quite special and the solution is also quite special. I would like to share it with those who encounter similar and partial problems. Finally, I hope I can help you solve the problem.



Get the height of mobile phone status bar through reflection

//Get the height of the status bar by reflection, the return is the height of the status bar
    public int getStatusHeight(){
        try {
            Class<?> c = Class.forName("com.android.internal.R$dimen");
            Object o = c.newInstance();
            Field field = c.getField("status_bar_height");
            int x = (int) field.get(o);
            return mContext.getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(x);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return 0;

window.open () several ways to open windows

    opens Baidu in the current window and makes the URL appear in the search bar.
window.open("http://www.baidu.com/", "_self");
    Open Baidu
a new window

window.open("http://www.baidu.com/", "_blank");
    Open a new window and name it “hello”
window.open("", "hello");
    > In addition, there are several options for the second argument of the open function :
_top: If there are framesets on the page, the URL replaces the top layer of framesets. That is, if there are no framesets, the effect is equivalent to _self._parent: the page pointed to by the URL is loaded into the parent of the current frame. If there are no framesets, the effect is equivalent to _self._media: the page pointed to by the URL is loaded into the HTML code area contained in the Media Bar. If there is no Media Bar, add it to itself.

    If you want to add something else to the new window, you need a third parameter :
Channelmode: yes | no | 1 | 0 (window display for theater mode [full screen displays the current web page, including the toolbar], or channel mode [general show]). Directories: yes | no | 1 | 0 (whether to add directory buttons, such as under the IE there could be a “link” button on the top) fullscreen: yes | no | 1 | 0 (the browser handle full screen mode, and hide the title bar and menu, etc.) the menubar: Yes | no | 1 | 0 (whether to display the menu bar of the browser by default) resizeable: yes | no | 1 | 0 (window can resize) scrollbars: yes | no | 1 | 0) (whether to allow a horizontal or vertical scroll bar titlebar: yes | no | 1 | 0 (whether to add a title bar) toolbar: yes | no | 1 | 0 (whether to add the default browser toolbar) status: Yes | no | 1 | 0 (whether to display the status bar) location: yes | no | 1 | 0 (whether to display the search bar) copyhistory: yes | no | 1 | 0 (seems to have been abandoned, if as long as the toolbars, according to the history button will be displayed) height: the height of the window, the minimum value of 100 pixels width: the width of the window, the minimum value of 100 pixels left: the window of the distance relative to the screen on the left

window.open("http://www.baidu.com/", "_self","height=400,width=400,top=10,left=10,resizable=yes");

There is one last argument to the open function, which is about history, whether the window being opened has the same history URL as the window being opened, or whether it is a separate memory.

Construction of vs2015 OpenGL configuration environment

OpenGL configuration
Main solutions:
What is OpenGL?How to configure successfully to create a window?
1. OpenGL is what?
A set of specifications that defines a set of functions, what arguments are passed in, and what results are sent out. Since it is only such a set of specifications, anyone can implement functions in different ways as long as they conform to the specifications. VS with OpenGL library (should be able to directly use VS own, but here is the configuration of their own this way, after your add)
OpenGL itself is a big state machine: there are many variables can be set up so that we can control its operations. The state of OpenGL is often referred to as a context. So what we do with OpenGL is we change the context in which it runs by changing its state, so that OpenGL gives us the results that we want
2. The configuration
2.1 What tools need to be prepared for configuration?

. Glad source is used to encapsulate the function called in OpenGL library
4>make is used to compile source code (GLFW library).
2.1.1 download GLFW
Website address is: http://www.glfw.org/download.html (you need over the wall to access)
in baidu network location to download, links:

https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ceyucgFRYImnjmG-LmkuwA password: 9 SMQ
2.1.2 download Cmake
Through CMake GLFW source is needed to compile the
website address is: https://cmake.org/download/ (also need over the wall to access)
baidu network location to download
link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1clPRIm password: ct24
install CMake, the following configuration, click the configure, choose vs2015 (vs) according to oneself, click the generate, later. At this point, look at the cmake file under the generated GLFW project.
## 2.1.3

Click the Generate button at the bottom right corner of the page, and on the following page, click Glad. Zip to press

2.1.4 The download is done, the next to assemble the library used

1 New folder Opengl
2. Will GLFW directory of the include directory is copied to the Opengl directory to
3. Opengl folder under a new folder, named lib
4. Will be compiled GLFW library is copied to the lib folder
GLFW library position is: GLFW – 3.2.1 \ SRC, the inside of the Debug and Release two directory replication, copied to the lib folder
note: Debug and Release do not exist at the beginning of this time, you need to open the GLFW solution in VS2015, run the two modes (Debug/Release), to produce, run after the Win32 folder will have these two folders, do not bother, just copy the two SRC. A lot of readers didn’t know what I was looking at on the blog, so let me make a statement here.
5. Copy glad decompression folder, the include directory two folders glad and KHR copy, copy to the OpenGL directory, include folder

2.1.5 OK, finally can use VS2015 to create projects, add libraries
1.VS2015, create an empty project,
copy from glad folder to project source file.
click on the project, set the properties, VC ++ directory, set respectively

br> *>lick on the connector, enter, and add additional dependencies
** Note: !!!!!!!!!!!

The simplest way to completely unload cygwin under Windows


[the statement] welcome to reprint, but please keep original article source: http://blog.csdn.net/yelangjueqi/article/details/45199209

This thing is difficult to install, uninstall the same trouble, all kinds of ways tried, but can not remove. After a lot of trial and error, I finally found the easiest way. Remember the setup.exe when you installed Cygwin?You can completely remove Cygwin with this thing! If you forget the setup. Exe this place where, can go to the website (https://cygwin.com/install.html) to download a setup. Exe.

Follow these steps to uninstall Cygwin completely.

Double-click to start setup.exe and follow these steps:

The next step

Next, browse to the local cygwin installation directory: D:\cygwin_again

The next step

Next, and this is an important step, click the cursor position to go to: Uninstall mode

Cursor window allocation of 2048 kb failed

cannot create Cursor because the system is out of memory. The following is the block of code

that is in question

public void insertCBJL(ArrayList<CBJLBean> cbjlList) {
        if (cbjlList.size() > 0) {
            for (CBJLBean bean : cbjlList) {
                Cursor cursor = mysql.rawQuery(
                "select * from cbjl_table where yhh=?", 
                new String[] { bean.getYhh()});
                if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {
                mysql.execSQL("insert into     cbjl_table(cbcid,...,scsyql) values (?,...,?)",
            new Object[] { bean.getCbcid(),...,bean.getScsyql() });

After the

for loop, there is a query statement that was originally inserted into the database in order for the data to be repeated. However, there is a big mistake. After being used, it is not closed, which causes the memory overflow.