Tag Archives: boost

CMake error: error in configuration process, project files may be invalid

It is very strange that following the installation steps of others, there is a problem, (OK, actually I was in the process of installation, I was typing, I don’t know, press the wrong button)

You can check for specific errors in Cmake:

Boost_root is an environment variable that should be used in the process of installing BOOSTPRO. The BOOST_ROOT is an environment variable that should be used in the process of installing BOOSTPRO. The BOOST_ROOT is an environment variable. I added myself to this file

//Configure CMake// Configure

【 1 】 http://boostpro.com/download/boost_1_47_setup.exe
【 2 】 Cmake always find a Boost libraries at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19303430/cmake-cannot-find-boost-libraries
[3] solution: CMake compile time appear the error in the configuration process project files may be invalid at http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a2d9d5c60100y1at.html

PCL Programming Notes — assertion ` PX! = 0 ‘failed

Reference: http://blog.csdn.net/mnonm_mnonm_mnonm/article/details/8706659

Error: boost: : from… Assertion `px ! = 0′ failed.
Reason: The smart pointer is uninitialized.
Processing: Initialize.
Such as

PointCloudT::Ptr cloud;

The compiler can pass, but the program will report the above error when run, after the following initialization, the error disappeared.

PointCloudT::Ptr cloud=boost::make_shared <PointCloudT> ();