Tag Archives: Cross-platform

Compiling QT project under vs encountered “error 89error msb6006:“ cmd.exe ”Exited with code 3

Pro files have been compiled in Qt Creater, cross-platform Qt is compiled under VS2010, this part see how to cross-platform Qt compilation related knowledge, here do not repeat.
Error 89error MSB6006: “cmd.exe” has been exited, code is 3. According to the method of http://blog.csdn.net/mlj318/article/details/6778605 online to try, not solve the problem.
Right-click on the project properties and select Convert Projext to Qt Add in Project.

Package python3.1 + PyQt4 into exe

There are many programs that package Python as an exe, such as Py2exe, PyInstaller, and so on, but so far none of them support Python 3.1 well, so I’ll introduce CX_freeze 4.2.2 here, which also supports cross-platform running on Windows and Linux.
Cx_freeze download site is http://sourceforge.net/projects/cx-freeze/files/, want to undertake choosing according to install python version. For example, I am using python3.1, so I will download the file cx_Freeze- After running the installation package, the program is copied to the Python directory. There are two main places, one is C:/Python31/Scripts and the other is C:/Python31/Lib/site-packages/cx_Freeze
In previous versions of cx_Freeze, py was converted to exe through the script Freezepython.py, but in 4.2.2 Freezepython.py is gone and the main work is done by the C:/Python 31/scripts cxfree.bat.
There are two main ways to complete python exe packaging using cx_Freeze:
First, run cxfreeze. Bat directly through:
Go to the CMD command line, enter the C:/Python 31/scripts directory, and run cxfreed.bat-h to see its instructions. We can do an experiment with CX_freeze’s own sample.
Go to C :/ Python 31/scripts/ and run
cxfreeze C:/Python31/Lib/site-packages/cx_Freeze/samples/PyQt4/PyQt4app.py –install-dir=d:/123
Pytqt4app.py is packaged as exe, and the libraries it USES are also evaluated in the d:/123 directory.
Second, run setup.py:
In the example provided with CXfreeze C:/ python31/lib /site-packages/cx_Freeze/samples/PyQt4, there is a setup.py file. Open this file and we find that it is:

By running this script, packaging can be done automatically:
For example, if you go into C:/ python31/lib /site-packages/cx_Freeze/samples/PyQt4,
setup.py build
After that, a build/exe.win32-3.1 directory will appear under this directory, where you can see the packaged exe file. We want to package our script, copy this setup.py over, and put it in
executables = [Executable(“PyQt4app.py”, base = base)])
Change pyqt4app.py to your own script name.
Problems during packaging:
For Chinese support, if there is Chinese in the script and the encoding format is not specified, the packaging process will occur: UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf8’ codec can ‘t decode bytes in the position of 1602: invalid data this kind of mistake, this blog post on http://www.cnblogs.com/xinzaitian/archive/2010/12/10/1902481.html, the author mentioned Chinese must be deleted.
In fact, Chinese characters can be retained by adding the following at the beginning of the script file:
#! /usr/bin/env python
It is ok
Another problem is that if the packaged EXE file is run under “desktop” or other Chinese path, a window will pop up showing “Cannot get zipimporter” instance. So far, no good solution has been found

About Java File.separator

in Windows path separator and Linux path separator is different, when the absolute path is used directly, cross-platform will be exposed “No such file or diretory” exception.

File file1 = new File (“C:\ TMP \test.txt”);
File file1 = new File (“C:\ TMP \test.txt”)

File file2 = new File (“/ TMP /test.txt”);
File file2 = new File (“/ TMP /test.txt”);

if cross-platform is considered, it is best to say:
File myFile = new File(“C:” + file.separator + “TMP” + file.separator, “test.txt”);
File myFile = new File(“C:” + file.separator + “TMP” + file.separator, “test.txt”);


File class has several static fields that are similar to separator, which are system related and should be used as far as possible in programming.


public static final char separatorChar

is the default name separator associated with the system. This field is initialized to the first character that contains the system property file.separator value. On UNIX systems, the value of this field is ‘/’; On Microsoft Windows, it is ‘\’.


public static final String separator

is the system-specific default name separator, which is represented as a string for convenience. This string contains only one character, separatorChar.


public static final char pathSeparatorChar

is the system-dependent path separator. This field is initialized as the first character that contains the system property path.separator value. This character is used to separate filenames in a given file sequence in the form of a path list. On UNIX systems, this field is ‘:’; On Microsoft Windows, it is ‘; ‘.


public static final String pathSeparator

is the system-dependent path separator, which is represented as a string for convenience. This string contains only one character, pathSeparatorChar.

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