Tag Archives: console

When MyEclipse starts tomcat, the console doesn’t jump out

Today, I encountered a problem. Originally, when I started Tomcat through MyEclipse, the tab would automatically jump to the console to display some startup logs, but I couldn’t jump today, as shown in the figure below

The reason is due to the problem of setting, there are two solutions


As shown in the figure above, click on the chart as shown in my picture.

2. Click windows – & gt; preferences – & gt; run/debug – & gt; console

Check the two show’s beginning, and it’s OK.

Just choose one of the two methods above. After setting, you can see that when we start tomcat, the next tab will automatically jump to console

Solve the problem of visual studio console flashback

On the top navigation bar, click “Project” ->; “Properties” – & gt; ‘Configure Properties’ –>; “Linker” –>; “System” – & gt; “Subsystems (there is a drop-down icon on the right side of the window)” –>; SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE -> drop down box select ‘/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE’ -> Finally “confirm” –>; Click on the top right corner of “File” –>; “Save it all.”

Configure OpenGL in CodeBlocks

There are many online tutorials, but some are easy to use and some are not.
There are two broad categories. One is that you don’t have to manually add libraries after you’ve configured them, but a New GLUT Project is needed to create a New Project instead of the usual Console Application. This category can refer to this document: https://wenku.baidu.com/view/7396dc8783d049649b66588c.html
Another type of configuration method, when configured, will be a New normal Console Application, but you will need to manually add the OpenGL library.
I chose the second category because I found that the console could not be tuned out of the configuration method of the first category, so I could not see the output of the console. Debug is very inconvenient, so I haven’t found a solution yet.
General reference is http://www.yalewoo.com/opengl_notes_2_use_opengl_in_codeblocks.html, but is not identical also, built after the project need to add one more libraries.

Glut. h goes into the MinGW\include\GL directory of the compiler. .
glut32 lib in MinGW \ lib directory
glut32. The DLL into the C: \ Windows \ System in

Open the codeblocks create the console program, and then in the project to build the options – would add three static link library glut32 Settings. The lib, libopengl32. A, as well as libglu32. A, their paths in the lib folder of the compiler.

In chome browser, console reports an error but does not display it

As shown in the figure above, there are two options for reporting an error that are not shown in the Console:
Click Default Levels, as shown below:

If an error message appears, the problem is resolved.
If the above action is not resolved, read on
2. Right-click on the red field in the Console and select Filter and click Unhidden All

Figure 1 shows the effect of right-clicking in the white area, and Figure 2 shows the effect of right-clicking in the yellow area (warning). After the operation is completed, an error will appear, and the problem will be solved. Stop work ~

Vscode debug Java console input: evaluation failed because the thread is not suspended

use VS Code to debug Java program, need to use the console input, the results have been error, find a solution


add a line "console": "externalTerminal" for

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "java",
            "name": "Debug (Launch)-main<test>",
            "request": "launch",
            "mainClass": "main.main",
            "projectName": "test",
            "console": "externalTerminal"

works as follows:

this error occurs because the built-in debugging console of VSCode does not support Java input. So you need to modify the debug console in the Debug configuration file, just change the console property to externalTerminal. External terminal.