[Solved] Error getting generated key or setting result to parameter object. UnsupportedOperationException

Mybatis batch inserts and returns the primary key to the original list

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Error getting generated key or setting result to parameter object. UnsupportedOperationException


The version before mybatis 3.3.1 does not support the function of batch adding and returning the primary key ID; Some versions after mybatis # 3.3.1 support batch insert return ID, but do not support multiple parameters of Dao layer batch insert function, @ param annotation; (that is, table splitting is not supported) mybatis versions after 3.5.1 support batch insertion, return ID, multiple parameters, and @ param annotation


Upgrade mybatis 3.5.1 (and ensure that all mybatis versions that Maven depends on are greater than 3.5.1) Dao

void batchInsert(@Param("idx") Integer idx, @Param("list") List<DO> list);


    <insert id="batchInsert" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="list.id">
        insert into do_${idx} (name, address)
        <foreach collection="list" item="item" separator=",">

Note: because the function has multiple parameters, it is impossible to determine which parameter ID is taken, so it needs to indicate that it is list in keyproperty = “list.ID”.

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