Unity-failed to update unity web player

“failed to update unity web player” error

may occur when using the browser to load the WebPlayer file

this is the error message to connect to the network


1. Uninstall UnityWebPlayer, use the control panel to uninstall

2. Download the UnityWebPlayer plugin :(this version makes


link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1f-6mfP8SJjsYe1tm8jSkLQ

extraction code: ht44

if the computer can not network then choose the following UnityWebPlayerFull plug-in

link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qHZb0j0LjvoemUreA0LFHQ

extraction code: 75qz

3. Re-enter the game and start the normal game

if you still have problems, try clearing the browser cache and retry

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