Modelsim compiles vivado IP and reports error protection region

The reason is that some IP file names of vivado seem to be VHD, but they are not written in VHD syntax. You need to compile vivado’s related libraries.

Check if the INI file of Modelsim in your project has the following libraries.
secureip = C:\modeltech64_ 10.2c\win64\xilinx_ lib/secureip
unisim = C:\modeltech64_ 10.2c\win64\xilinx_ lib/unisim
unimacro = C:\modeltech64_ 10.2c\win64\xilinx_ lib/unimacro
unifast = C:\modeltech64_ 10.2c\win64\xilinx_ lib/unifast
unisims_ ver = C:\modeltech64_ 10.2c\win64\xilinx_ lib/unisims_ ver
unimacro_ ver = C:\modeltech64_ 10.2c\win64\xilinx_ lib/unimacro_ ver
unifast_ ver = C:\modeltech64_ 10.2c\win64\xilinx_ lib/unifast_ ver
simprims_ ver = C:\modeltech64_ 10.2c\win64\xilinx_ lib/simprims_ ver

If not, you need to compile the following libraries first.

Click Tools – comparative simulation libraries on the vivado toolbar, as shown in Figure 2.



After compiling, there will be no problem in the simulation.

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