The date selector Report Null Error in element is cleared

Recently, a small bug was found when using the date selector in element. When I clear the selected date and click search again, the console will report an error, as shown in the following figure:

After troubleshooting, I found that this problem occurs because when we click clear, the value value bound by V-model will change from a value to a null, so the console will report an error. There are also many solutions, such as re assigning value before the next call; Or you can also listen to the value of the V-model, and then solve the problem through judgment. The method I use is to directly judge the value of the V-model, and then assign the value if it meets the conditions. The specific implementation code is as follows:

core code:

//Event Methods
searchTabs() {
// parameters needed on the backend
let data = {
    sjlx: this.sjlx,
    pageNumber: this.pageSize,
    pageSize: this.pageNumber,
    zfry: this.road.enforce,
    jcjg: this.road.testing,
    sfcf: this.road.other,
    startTime: "",//start time
    endTime: "",//end time
// By determining the value of the v-model binding, it must be an Array value and must have two values
if (this.road.dateTime && Array.isArray(this.road.dateTime) && this.road.dateTime.length == 2) {
    // Assign the judged value to the startTime and endTime in data above
    data.startTime = new Date(this.road.dateTime[0]) // start time
    data.endTime = new Date(this.road.dateTime[1]) // end time

Full code:




export default {
    data() {
        return {
        		pageNumber: 1, //Current page number
                pageSize: 10, //how many items are displayed on a page
          		//search criteria
                road: {
                    dateTime: "", //date
                    enforce: "", //Road enforcement officer
                    testing: "", //testing results
                    whether: "", //whether to penalize
            searchTabs() {
                // parameters needed on the back end
                let data = {
                    sjlx: this.sjlx,
                    pageNumber: this.pageSize,
                    pageSize: this.pageNumber,
                    zfry: this.road.enforce,
                    jcjg: this.road.testing,
                    sfcf: this.road.other,
                    startTime: "",//start time
                    endTime: "",//end time
                // By determining the value of the v-model binding, it must be an Array value and must have two values
                if (this.road.dateTime && Array.isArray(this.road.dateTime) && this.road.dateTime.length == 2) {
                    // Assign the judged value to the startTime and endTime in data above
                    data.startTime = new Date(this.road.dateTime[0]) // start time
                    data.endTime = new Date(this.road.dateTime[1]) // end time
                // call the interface pass data to the backend
                search(data).then(res => {
                    // console.log(res, "search)....")
                    this.tableData =
                    this.pageTotal =

So far, the problem has been solved.

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