Tag Archives: sqlserver

install sql server 2016 Error code 0x84B20001

Try running the following command at the command prompt (as an administrator) :
Fix a failed SQL Server installation from the installation center

    start the SQL Server installer (setup.exe) from the SQL Server installation media. After prerequisites and system validation, setup will display the SQL Server Installation Center page. Click Maintenance in the left navigation area, and then click Repair to start the repair operation.

    If the installation center is started using the Start menu, the location of the installation media needs to be provided at this point.
    Setup support rules and file routines will run to ensure that your system has the required software installed and that your computer has passed setup validation rules. Click OK or Install to continue. On the Select Instances page, select the instance that you want to fix, and then click Next to continue. The maintenance rules will run to verify the operation. To continue, click Next. The Ready to Fix page indicates that the operation is ready to proceed. To continue, click Fix. The fix progress page shows the status of the fix operation. The Finish page indicates that the action is complete.

Fix a failed INSTALLATION of SQL Server using the command prompt
Run the following command at the command prompt: setup.exe/Q /ACTION=Repair /INSTANCENAME= INSTANCENAME
https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/969052/how-to-restore-the-missing-windows-installer-cache-files-and-resolve-p?Wa = wsignin1.0

The underlying provider failed on open problem solving

The provider fails on open if you use Entity Framework6 and link to MS SqlServer, whereas The local test is ok. If you use IP access, The provider fails on open. If you look it up on The Internet, someone says that The connection string is wrong, whereas The connection string is wrong, why do I successfully update The database with add-Migration and update-database commands?Why I used localhost under IIS Express, so I continued searching and found something written by a foreigner
Url here, children’s shoes are interested can go to http://th2tran.blogspot.com/2009/06/underlying-provider-failed-on-open.html
Patriotic?Don’t like reading foreign languages?Okay, I’m going to hell.
The author generally mean, he also met this problem, so to get back and forth, back and forth finally found that the EF in the operation of the database to repeatedly links, disconnect the database, if the connection string is a Windows SERVICE, rather than using a user name and password, then try to access the database user is NT AUTHORITY \ NETWORK SERVICE, this fellow permission is not big enough to cause the login failed. At the end of the story, the author tries to add that account to SQL Server and gives permission, and that’s it.
I am lazy to do the problem of new account, so, directly change to use user name and password, test again, OK.
Meow, it’s really a matter of concatenating strings.

SQL Server SSPI handshake failed Error

One, error content
Logon Error: 17806, Severity: 20, State: 14.
Logon SSPI handshake with Error code 0x8009030c, State 14 while fading a connection with integrated security; The Connection has been closed. Reason: AcceptSecurityContext failed. The Windows Error code indicates the cause of failure. The logon attempt failed [CLIENT:]
Logon Error: 18452, Severity: 14, State: 1.
Logon Login failed. The Login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication. [CLIENT:]
Second, report the cause of the error
The error message should be related to the domain account. The domain account is not trusted, so Windows authentication cannot be used.
It is commonly seen in that user A was used to connect to the database (the case encountered was the domain account), and then the password of user A was changed, but the old password was still used in to try to connect, resulting in an error in login verification.
In addition, user A’s domain account has been locked, and this error will be reported when logging in.
3. Solutions
Login Server disconnects the previous user A
Log in to the database server and kill A user’s connection