Tag Archives: Daily test problem record

Grpc client access server prompt: RPC error: code = unimplemented desc = unknown service possible reasons

Possible causes of specific errors and Solutions

Specific error

{"file":"/cmd/channel/xxx/prepay.go","level":"error","line":220,"msg":"xxx.DoPrepayGRPC error: xxx2Client.CreateOrder: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service xxx_global.xxx2","pid":63405,"requestid":"2_1615862450_86","sdkid":"xxx_global","time":"2021-03-16T10:40:50+08:00"}

Possible causes

1. The service called by the client is inconsistent with the service protocol of grpc;
2. When proto is consistent, the package name of proto is changed in the process of application generation.


1. You need to check whether the proto used by the client is consistent with that used by the service;
2. Check whether the package name of proto has changed.

Did not encounter other reasons leading to this error, know the students are welcome to leave a message in the comments area ha~