Prompt “libevent not found” when installing tmux

Ubuntu installation tMUx tutorial

1. Tmux is a terminal split screen software, which can display different terminals in multiple areas on the same screen. The effects are as follows:

2. Ubuntu’s software warehouse is built with TMUx, which can be installed using the command Sudo Apt-get install Tmux, but the version in the warehouse is older. You can download the latest version of TMUX manually by going to tMUX official and the address is as follows:

3. Download the source package, unzip, terminal into the tMUX unzip directory
4. Run terminal./configure
You might be prompted “Error: libEvent Not Found”
5. The solution is as follows. Run the following command respectively.
Skip step 6 if sudo Apt-get install libevent-dev #. If prompted for installation conflicts (XXXX conflicts libevent-2.0-5 XXXXX), perform the following steps:

Purge –force-depends libevent-2.0-5 Sudo DPKG — Purge — Force-depends libevent-2.0-5 Purge — 2.0-5 Purge — 2.0-5
Sudo apt-get install libevent-dev # skip step 6 if successful and do the following if unsuccessful
Sudo Apt-get Install – F # automatically fixes dependencies
Sudo Apt-get install libevent-dev # should be ready to install the libevent library
6. Run the terminal again./configure
7. Run make under the terminal
8. Run sudo make install
under terminal
9. At this point, tMUX can be successfully installed and then run tMUX under the terminal.
10. Some common tMUx shortcuts:
Tmux introduction articles – bole online

Linux – “libevent not found” error in Tmux-stack Overflow

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