[Perfectly Solved] attributeerror: module ‘SciPy. Misc’ has no attribute ‘toimage’ error

Problem Description:

When learning the MNIST machine learning introductory course, the attributeerror: module ‘SciPy. Misc’ has no attribute ‘toimage’ error occurs when converting the numpy array into a picture and saving it
the execution code is as follows:

# Save the first 20 images
for i in range(20):
    image_array = train_images[i]
    #Save file as the format:mnist_train_0.jpg,mnist_train_1.jpg,...
    filename = save_dir + '/mnist_train_%d.jpg' %i
    #save image_array to image
    # use scipy.misc.toimage to convert to image and save
    scipy.misc.toimage(image_array, cmin=0.0, cmax=1.0).save(filename)

Crux attribution:
I checked the scene where Python 3 uses the toimage() function on the Internet and found that this function has been deprecated. Many tutorials recommend reducing the version of the third-party SciPy to match the use of the toimage() function. I feel that this is a bit “married down” and can not fundamentally solve the problem. Moreover, the iteration of technology update is inevitable, We need to follow the trend.

Scipy.misc.toimage official latest instructions.


Turn the problem into how to save the array as an image?

Method 1: use the .Imwrite() function of CV2 module to convert the numpy array into an image and save it. The specific codes are as follows:

cv2.imwrite(filename, image_array)  #Mutual transformation of images and numpy arrays using cv2

Method 2: use the .Fromarray() function under Image in PIL module to convert the numpy array into an image and save it. The specific codes are as follows:

from PIL import Image
Image.fromarray((image_array)).save(filename)  #Mutual transformation of images and numpy arrays using PIL
# or
Image.fromarray((image_array*255).astype('uint8'), mode='L').convert('RGB').save(filename)  # For processing color images

Method 3: use the Matplotlib module to convert the numpy array into a picture and save it. (including two methods): (1) preferred recommendation:   Use the . Imsave() function under Image in the Matplotlib module to convert the numpy array into an image for saving. The specific codes are as follows:

from matplotlib import image
image.imsave(filename,image_array,cmap='gray')  # cmap is often used to change the drawing style, such as black and white gray, emerald green virdidis

(2) Not recommended:   Use the .Savefig() function under pyplot in Matplotlib module to convert the numpy array into a picture for saving. The generated picture contains coordinate axis and border information. The specific codes are as follows:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Drawing pictures
# save image
plt.savefig(filename) # In this case, the picture variable is already specified when drawing the picture, so there is no need to specify it again when saving

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