Info:Memory module [DIMM] needs attention: Single-bit warning error rate exceeded, Single-bit fai…

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Dell server hardware monitoring software OpenManager, can monitor the battery, motherboard, temperature, hard disk, and so on. See installation usage
While monitoring OpenManage(OMSA) for Dell Server installation, you may encounter the following error message: Info:Memory Module 6 [DIMM7, 2048 MB] Needs attention: single-bit warning error rate Exceeded, Single-bit Failure Error rate Exceeded. Need to shut down and replug the memory bar. Due to the need to shut down service shutdown, will affect the business. But the problem will always be reported. Everyone would be upset if they got an alarm. Memory monitoring can be shielded as follows:

check_openmanage --check storage -b dimm=all

can see that the memory and Voltage are not tested. Memory will be detected without dimm=all.
is able to block the detection of relevant hardware. Such as temperature detection and so on. Such as:

/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_openmanage --check storage -b ctrl_fw=all/ctrl_driver=all/ctrl_stdr=all/bat_charge=all/encl=all/ps=all/fan=all/temp=all/volt=all

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