Securityerror: error ᦇ 2148: SWF file (SWF file cannot access local resources)

SecurityError: Error # 2148: SWF file file:///F:/work2010/tiger/rmpublisher.air/bin-debug/index.swf file:///F:/work2010/tiger/rmpublisher.air/bin-debug/plugins/plugins.xml cannot access the local resources. Only file system-limited SWF files and trusted local SWF files can access local resources.
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The first:
Right click on flex project –& GT; properties–> ActionscriptCompiler–> Additional compiler arguments
plus “-use-network=false” is OK
SWF will not be able to access network resources such as socket communications.
So it’s better not to use it that way.
The second:
I have found a lot of articles on security sandbox on the Internet, most of which are about how to solve the problem of network resource access, which is different from what I want in this article. Although these articles do not address the issue of local resource access. The solution to this problem should be similar, with the network adding a trusted domain name in a cross or something file to allow access, then the local resource should also be able to add a local resource path somewhere to allow access.
The details are as follows: find system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerTrust in the Windows installation directory, create a text file in this directory, enter the detailed path of Flash to access local resources in the file, and save. Execute SWF, no more errors. OK
For example: in C:\WINDOWS\ System32 \Flash\FlashPlayerTrust directory to add a file, such as: 1. TXT (file name can be arbitrarily started), the file content is: “D:\demo\test\” that is the project path, of course, can also be set to “D:\”

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