Command failed: NPM install — loglevel error — registry=

Use the vue – cli create project has the following error: the command failed: NPM install – loglevel error – registry= – disturl=

the solution has the following kinds:
Make sure that the vue-cli, NPM, node, Versions had better high node must be
1. 8 + NPM install chromedriver – chromedriver_cdnurl=
finished to recreate the project (this approach is not once and for all)
2. NPM cache clean — force Clear the NPM cache (if it doesn’t work, it’s not a cache problem)
3. If the above two steps or not To install the following taobao source
NPM install – g CNPM – registry=
4. Find your computer C: \ Users \ Administrator found. vuerc the file
initial is true instead of false can

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