Error using multiprocessing module:
from multiprocessing import Process
def hello():
p = Process(target=hello)
Change the code to:
from multiprocessing import Process, freeze_support, set_start_method
def hello():
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Process(target=hello)
Which if __name__ == '__main__':
role is to protect the program entry point , when a sub-process using open Process, Python interpreter into the current module, and invoke the hello method, using a simple intuitive test:
from multiprocessing import Process, freeze_support, set_start_method
def hello():
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Process(target=hello)
In this code, Print ("!!"
is not a hello method. Let’s see the running result:
was called twice!!! So before generating a new process, be sure to add if__ name__ == '__ main__':
Further, if you change print("!!!")
to print(__name__)
, you will get the following results:
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